President's Message
When I became a member of MASHSMD in 2019, and a board member in 2021, I did not fully grasp the profound changes it would have on me and the network I would develop. In a somewhat short time, this organization has provided me with mentorship, education, and other professional development opportunities, for which I am very grateful. I need not tell anyone in the healthcare industry how much change the field has undergone in the past few years. For this reason, it is more important than ever that we learn from one another — sharing lessons learned, working through challenges, and celebrating successes — together. MASHSMD exists for these things and more. While representing MASHSMD at the 2022 national SHSMD annual conference, I was proud to hear that we are one of the more active chapters! As a volunteer organization, we rely on donated time to make MASHSMD a success and further our field. To get the most out of your membership, I encourage you to become actively involved in our chapter — attend a board meeting, join the board or a committee, or submit a discussion topic or case study to share at a virtual educational session. You can even coordinate a local member get-together now that we can gather again safely. There are many things we can do to advance our chapter, and by extension, our teams. I would love to hear why you joined MASHSMD or what you would like to get from your membership, and I invite you to share any ideas you may have for taking our chapter to the next level. Please email me at [email protected], connect on LinkedIn (and while you’re there, don’t forget to follow the MASHSMD page!), and introduce yourself at an event. I look forward to connecting with you this year, Colleen Jones